I wanted to set up telegraf on my nixos desktop, but needed to solve the problem of storing the InfluxDB token. This documents how I solved the problem and what issues I faced.
Telegraf setup
The initial telegraf setup was pretty straightforward. There is a telegraf nixos service available in the nixos package repository
For an example of how I’ve configured telegraf my nixos repository can be referenced.
The problem I ran into was I needed a way to store the telegraf token without it appearing as plain text in my repository.
When one researches how to store secrets in Nix, one of the top results is sops-nix. This is a very cool project for encrypting secrets with either GPG or age. However, there are some subtleties that were hard to understand as a newcomer.
Getting Started
After installing sops-nix (which is well documented on the github page), the first step is to generate a key. There are a few ways to do this, but one thing that seemed appealing was to generate an age key from my ssh key.
The first issue I encountered was while trying to use my SSH key stored on my Yubikey. My regular ssh key is of type id_ed25519_sk. This lets me store the private key on the yubikey without using a GPG key for ssh. The problem is ed25519_sk is not yet supported in sops
Generating a new key
Since that did not work I generated a new ssh key to use with sops. after that I generated an age key from the ssh key. This is done with the following command (documented on the sops-nix page as well):
$ nix-shell -p ssh-to-age --run "ssh-to-age -private-key -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 > ~/.config/sops/age/keys.txt"
Initial sops configuration
Now that there is an age key to use we need to configure sops to use it. This is done by creating a sops-nix configuration file. This is done by creating a file adjacent to flake.nix with the following contents:
- &admin_jeremy age1jdquv26e5w7y7vt26zsfzusd36wgjvkq33t5vkvt2vpnczqah55qeqyy9c
- path_regex: secrets/[^/]+\.(yaml|json|env|ini)$
- age:
- *admin_jeremy
The first item under keys is defining a user named admin_jeremy, and linking that to the public age key that was placed in .config/sops/age/keys.txt. The creation_rules section is defining a regex that will match any file in the secrets directory with the extensions yaml, json, env, or ini. The key_groups section is defining which keys can be used to encrypt files that match the regex. In this case, only the admin_jeremy key can be used to encrypt files in the secrets directory.
Storing Secrets
Now that sops is configured we can start storing secrets. For my use case I wanted to keep my secrets in a yaml file so I generated a new file with:
$ nix-shell -p sops --run "sops secrets/example.yaml"
This will open an editor with a generic yaml file that can be modified. I modified mine to include my influxdb token:
To edit this file again the same sops command can be used.
influx_token: influx_token=<my_influx_token>
Configure telegraf to us this new key
The first thing to configure is sops. Here is an example of how mine is configured:
sops = {
secrets = {
influx_token = {};
defaultSopsFile = ../../secrets/example.yaml;
age.sshKeyPaths = ["/home/jeremy/.ssh/sopsnix"];
This is indicated to sops that it should look in ../../secrets/example.yaml and decrypt the influx_token.
Then the telegraf service can be configured to look for an environment file which it will load before the service.
services.telegraf = {
environmentFiles = [config.sops.secrets.influx_token.path];
extraConfig = {
outputs = {
influxdb_v2 = {
token = "\${influx_token}";
What this will basically do is decrypt the influx token and place it in the nix store only readable by root. Then telegraf is instructed to look at the path and source the file as environmental variables. Finally we configure telegraf to use the influx_token environmental variable as the token for the influxdb_v2 output.
This is a bit of a roundabout way to load the token, but as of right now there is no way for sop-nix to decrypt the key and substitute it directly into the telegraf configuration file.